Author: springpoint



  We have all seen them in action: friends and colleagues whose cheery upbeat attitude towards life and the moment at-hand lasts as the sun shines and things go their way. As soon as clouds mask the sun or fate raises a speed bump, the...
6 Amazing Benefits of Keto-Friendly Pili Nuts
My Doctor

6 Amazing Benefits of Keto-Friendly Pili Nuts 

If you follow the ketogenic diet—an eating regime that favors low-carb, high-fat and high-to-moderate protein foods in order to place the body into a metabolic state of ketosis—then you’re probably already incorporating lots of different high-fat nuts into your diet. While cashews, pecans, macadamia nuts and Brazil nuts are...
5 Ways to Quit Sugar
My Doctor

5 Ways to Quit Sugar 

So, you’ve decided to quit sugar. There several different ways to go about the process. Which one will serve you best? How you go about quitting sugar can make or break your experience. Most people go cold turkey and fail within a few days, while others...