Marriage as an institution has been for as long as man has existed be it formal or informal there’s always being a form of agreement between two individuals who presumably are in love or desire a companion and that i believe gave birth to marriage.
If you think that sexual infidelity is the leading cause of divorce, you’ve got it all wrong. You’d be surprised that communication problems came out on top as the number one reason marriages fail.
Now in this 21st century with the constant rise in divorce rates and most marriages on the rocks we need to know key things that can avert a potential divorce and could save an existing marriage.
Divorce in marriages is nothing new and yearly there are more people dropping out of their marriages as  others are getting into one for various reasons be it love,money,companionship or family reasons.
Here are the simple things that cause broken marriages and divorces:

11 Selfishness

“One of the most overlooked reasons why marriages fail is how people define compromise. While compromise is considered to be the cornerstone of any relationship, most people assume that means that some of the time, each partner gets what they want. Actually, the true definition of compromise in the context of marriage is that neither party gets what they really want. Marriage is tough. You have to be constantly ready to give something up, even after it seems like you’ve already given up everything. Without accepting this definition of compromise, people move towards a break-up.” —Ashwini Nadkarni, M.D., director of Digital Integrated Care in the department of psychiatry at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and an instructor at Harvard Medical School

12.Lack of Investment

We think of investments in regard to money. But we forget about the time investment and education investment that we need to have in learning how to maintain successful marriages. “Why do we think we don’t need any skills when going into a marriage? What other job do we sign up for without any training?” asks Sadler. Sadler’s advice includes simply investing time in each other that may include 2-3 hours of your undivided attention for your partner and of course seeking out couples’ counseling and/or books to help you navigate the obstacles of a marriage.

13. Being out of touch… literally.

I’m talking about physical contact. Of course, sex is great, but you also need to supplement it with little hello and goodbye kisses, impromptu hugs and simply holding hands. Couples who don’t maintain an intimate connection through both sexual and non-sexual actions are destined to become virtual strangers.